Random Blogging.

So i'm bored. So i was searching through the world wide web. People's blogs etc. And i found some pretty pictures. So here they are. But i forgot where i got them all from. If any one knows. Do let me know. :)

WOW. He's beautiful. <3

I think this was taken from the same blog as above... Which i forgot what one. But its really pretty. I want to take a photo like it :)

I LOVE THIS PHOTO!! Its amazing. Shame you can't take photos like this any more. :(


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Interview Time.

Right so, after i sent my application off i joined to Camp America facebook group where i found two other people who have applied this year. We've been chatting constantly on facebook about it because too be honest i think my family and friends are sick of me going on already. But they both said they heard back from there interviewer like the next day. So i was a bit annoyed that three days later i still hadn't heard.

I went back onto my account and changed the person i wanted to interview me, half an hour later. BOOM email received with an interview date. HURRAH. Tuesday 24th August my Camp America journey REALLY begins.

I've become completely camp obsessed. I go on the website EVERY day. Watch the videos read the blogs, google camps that look cool. Ahh. I don't think i will contain myself for another nine months! haha.

I've started to plan the after camp part too now. Trek America are a travel company who work along side Camp America and offer camp workers a ten percent discount. So that's a bonus. The ones i'm looking at are about three weeks travelling so i'm thinking i'm going to need to save about a minimum of two grand for that. So yes. My life is OFFICIALLY on hold for the next year. But you know what. Its totally gonna' be worth it. :)


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Hello America!!

SO, I've just sent off my application form and first payment for Camp America 2011. Which i am so so so so so excited about already! It looks soooo good. My friend is there at the moment, but she's gone through another company. Ahh it just looks so good. I mean the facilities aren't brilliant etc but still! What an experience eh.

I've got so much to sort out between now and then. I mean i have to save money, get my visa, sort out flights, save save save, pay the rest of the costs. I seriously want to go now. I mean to don't even know when i'll be going. I'm waiting for an interview date now. But it should be pretty soon i'm guessing? The early bird catches the worm and all that. ahh.

Well i had to blog and just tell you all this. NICOLLE IS EXCITED. :)


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Do you remember...

Doesn't it feel like a million years ago people were getting excited over Bebo and MSN. You used to come home from school and all you had to worry about was joint conversations, minesweeper flags, how many loves you got that day on Bebo and creating skins. Life felt so complicated then, when you had too many conversations going at once or you had used your three loves for the day. It literally seems like a million years ago now.

Now we have to worry about going to work, paying tax, car insurance, MOT, phone bills, TV licence, petrol. And thats before the month has even started, you've then got to fork out for nights out for birthdays and new clothes. (which obviously i'm not complaining about) But seriously though, how on earth are we ever meant to save for things we want. Like to travel or to buy a house of our own? It is literally impossible. There are so many things i want to do in my life, but it seems to all be going so quickly. I'm thinking when am i going to have time to do it?

Okay i'm talking as if im about 50 now, but approaching 19 i do feel as if i need to do something with my life. Which i do i know. But i'm not ready to settle for a full time office or shop job. I'm not. I get bored of doing things i don't want to do. So how am i ever going to hold down a job i hate? Yes i want to travel. But i need the money. I'd love to move out. But i need the money. Its a little bit ridiculous. Do i still want to go to drama school?? To be totally honest i really really don't know.

I've been questioning things a lot lately... thing is eventually i need to stop questioning things and start to answer myself...


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