Grease is the word.

okay i think its about time i updated this other wise a certain DK might have a little fit.
back to sixth form. wow. the work load is crazy. people said year 13 was harder. yeah they weren't lying.
wow. had the Grease auditions yesterday. im actually still buzzing. its amazing. lol. they made us sing. about 4 different Grease songs. then they did it x-factor style and sent some people away. :O which i was shocked that some people went. But thats show business. ;) (i dont know how to spell that. lol) Yeah so i got told to stay along with the likes of Kiera and Dixie. and then we sang again. and we could go. :)
I think we find out the cast list tomorrow. How exciting. Then sometime soon i have an audition for Annie mate (Y). not actually Annie. unfortunately i wish i could. lol. and within all of this i still have to fit in Lion the witch and the wardrobe rehearsals. oh and my a levels. Ouch.
Life's pretty sweet atm. Yeah im still skint but im doing my lifeguard course soon so ill be in the monies. :) woop.

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Actual. Crap.
there are some bastards in this world.
why the fuck would you want to steal a phone. Propa nice people in Crawley err at Bennett. yeah as you can tell im pissed off. :(
and then everything else happens that shouldnt even be that bad makes me feel even more annoyed. :(
i think i need a holiday.

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Back to normal.

first day back at "college". i say college with inverted comers because i suppose that's what sixth form is right? and it sounds so childish to say school. hmm. so yeah, started off by finding out im not going to be able to take psycology this year, after i brought a note pad for it and everything. grr, stupid clashes. ah well. theatre, production and photography should be a laugh. first three lessons i had free. cor what a boring three hours that was. but i shouldn't complain as i have none tomorrow. hmm.
ive already decided what i want for Christmas... is that a bad thing? my parents have decided that me and my brother are only allowed to spend £20 on each of them and only buy them useful presents. pretty cool idea, but ideas would be helpful.
wow this weekend should be pretty fun i must admit. im going to London on Saturday for a cruise thing with my papas work. free food, free drink. should be pretty darn fun. i might pick up one of them i heart London tee's. (Y). Then Saturday night is my jolly good friends [hannah and emma] dancing show. :) which always is a super evening out so yeah. well its not just theire show but there the people im going to be watching the most. get on my dancing shoes. good times ahead.

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Home "sweet" home.

what a week. in a Forrest, riding bikes, being hoisted up trees, getting lost in the rain, riding around the outskirts of the Forrest trying to get back in for an hour, catching one fish, playing mini golf, winning the pool tournament, bruising my whole body on the rapids, talking to random people, pink shirt boy, crying boy, soulja boy kid, swimming pool man, shorts guys, wine man, hardcore ravers, wanna be ginge, skets, drug dealers and numerous other names i had for people. i still have the bruises, i have still yet to wash the smell of chlorine off me and I'm still waiting to see all the pictures. all in all. i would recommend center parcs very much so.
after the short time away i cant help but think even more about how i don't want to be here? as we drove back into not so sunny crawley, we drove past k2, we drove through town, theres the cinema, oh look its TGI's. Wow. oh the sarcasm. I've realised theres so much more out there and i think people who stay in crawley there whole lives, well i just feel kinda sorry for them. i would be surprised if i was still here in two years time.
i have a new plan, life guard in Australia. yes what is it with Australia i here you ask? well i don't know tbh. i must have lived there in some sort of previous life and my spirit is dragging me back to my home land. ha. home land. makes it sound like im from space. or just the fact its super hot and full of surfer dudes. but either way im destined to go there.
and then don't even get me started on Canada. but i think i might leave that for a holiday destination. like living in Australia "hey where shall we go on holiday? hmm i know Canada". Sweet. lets book it now.
so i say. live life to the full. your not made of glue so why stick around?
oo how poetic.

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