Bucket list.

Seeing the devastation that has recently happened in Japan, I've decided my aim for the next week is to write a bucket list. If you are unfamiliar with a bucket list. It is a list of 100 (give or take) things your want to do I'm your lifetime. It can be from trying a new food, to sky diving in Neverland. I want to do one because the world is this crazy place and you REALLY don't know whats round the corner. My heart goes out to everyone effected by the Japan earthquake, i cant imagine the horror your all going through. Its times like these that you really are grateful for having a roof over your head at night!


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1 comment:

ChiChi81 said...

Brilliant idea ;) I haven't thought about writing my own bucket list, I dunno, I guess I'm way too preoccupied with the daily humdrums of life that I overlooked what things I need to try before I kick the bucket lol Thanks for the reminder!

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Blonde again, and i get easily confused. I love to act. Little things ammuse me like seeing people fall over. :) I love to write about randomness and hope to write my own book one day. I just need to figure out what events to write it about. :)


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