2011 the year in the life of...

It seems that whenever I write a new entry in this Blog, a year has passed. In all fairness I completely forgot the password to this and have only just got around to re-setting it. Which is sad really because I love a bit of blogging. not that anyone reads it. But hey ho. Its good to keep a journal or a note of life. I mean hey, just look at how fast its passing by.

2011 has been an incredible year to say the least. It doesn't seem like two minutes ago I was writing about my excitement for Camp and my travels around America. Now i've been, done it, and been home the same amount of time I was away for. It really was a life changing experience. The things i did, the people i met, the cultures i experienced, the hard work i put myself through, the waking up at 7am after getting in at 2am, the meeting and becoming BEST friends with people that live on the other side of the world to you. I could go on, but i really would be here all night. And lets face it, its Christmas in 20 minutes.

Aims for 2012

I for one cannot believe its 2012. The end of the world. The year of England hosting the Olympics. My life seems to be flashing before my eyes. Its a big year ahead of me. And really. What do i have to show for my life at the moment? Not a whole lot. I'm turning 21 next year. By 21 most people are in a long term relationship, or at least have got something there with someone. But hey. Guess what. I'm still a lone wolf. Maybe this is because i spend my time writing to the land of cyber space? Or the fact that everyone that ever likes me, i find an excuse not to like them? Or maybe because i'm just shit out of luck and haven't found the one yet. So yeah. I'm turning 21. Big step in life. Its what i see as the turning point, the point in life where you are supposed to be a "Grown up". Wow. I've got a lot of work to do.

I have the same amount of aims and ambitions as the next kid. Wait. Adult. Thats scary. Calling myself an adult. I guess at 20 thats what I am right? However i really do think its time that i get off fantasy island and land back in reality. Like planning to move to America, live in California like the people on The OC. Thats all well and good. That will happen the day i win the lottery, or I some how come into money. But for now, i need to start making a life here. In England. Saving up, moving out, finding that one... Start a F... the scary F word. Family.

Thats something i NEVER thought i would hear myself say. I Nicolle want to start a Family. I mean woooow. Not right this second. But yeah. I want to be a mum. I'm not sure what it is, the age thing, the working with children thing or just the woman thing? But my mind has sort of been changed these past few months and yeah. I can safely say that the thought of birth doesn't scare me anymore.

so 2011

Its been emotional. Like the last 20 years. But 2012. Lets be having you


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Bucket list.

Seeing the devastation that has recently happened in Japan, I've decided my aim for the next week is to write a bucket list. If you are unfamiliar with a bucket list. It is a list of 100 (give or take) things your want to do I'm your lifetime. It can be from trying a new food, to sky diving in Neverland. I want to do one because the world is this crazy place and you REALLY don't know whats round the corner. My heart goes out to everyone effected by the Japan earthquake, i cant imagine the horror your all going through. Its times like these that you really are grateful for having a roof over your head at night!


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sleep deprived.


I can't believe i haven't updated since freaking boxing day!! So much has been going on since then. I really don't have time to finish the top ten moments of 2010! So lets just say it was a blast. Some shit times. Some amazing times. So that being said. We'll move on. :)

So. Camp America Hell. This needs updating. I got placed in January. I am going to French Woods Festival of Performing Arts which is in Hancock, New York. AHH. (excuse me while i die with excitement). Three whole months in New York. Its about two hours from the City, so it means i can go there for wee little day trips on my day off. I fly out on the 2nd of June. Which works out 94 day from now. 13 weeks to be exact. Not that i'm counting down or anything.

Got my Visa appointment on the 8th March. So thats in two weeks. And i'm telling you. The online Visa form. ARGHHHH. I've never wanted to punch my laptop so much in my life. So many times did it "Time out". Ridic. But hey. I got all that filled in. I just need to print everything off and make sure i'm prepared. The worst thing is you can't take anything electrical into the embassy. So no phone or ipod on the train. Sad times indeed.

On a less Camp note, i'm well and truely back at gym now. Which is all going well. Its strange how much i like coaching again. Its almost as if i never left it. :) I'm glad i'm back. I have missed the drama at that place. I start my new job tomorrow. New job i hear you ask? You are now looking at a Glee Club teacher. HA. Hell yeahhhh. I'm teaching kids from reception to year six, i've got three different clubs. Only for six weeks, but £15 an hour. I'm not complaining.

DEFINATLEY need some sleep now. staying up till 4am watching Lost is never a good move.

I hope all is well in the part of the world your reading from


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The year has been 2010

Ahh Merry Boxing Day one and all. :) I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas. I've just got back from my Uncle and Aunties for the old Boxing Day cold meat fiasco. It wasn't too bad really. It could have been worse. lol.

I decided. I'm trying to name my top ten moments of 2010. Just to do something a bit more interesting. But i highly doubt i'll be able to pick just ten. I think this years been pretty sweet too be honest. So here goes. (Also there not going to be in order because that would be too tricky).

1. College. Yes that was actually a highlight of the year. I met some amazing people. Did some amazing shows, taught back at my old school, performed at a Christmas concert DRUNK!! haha. Oh god. So much good stuff happened. I suppose this brings us onto number two which would have to be...

2. Parties!! College parties at Marks. Wahey. They were always. Erm Interesting ;) haha. Then other parties with the normal friends, as well as nights out in Brighton, Crawley town, Timmy's 21st in Southampton ahh its been a good one for drunken antics. :)

3. Tunisia!! Ahh That was such a good holiday! :) Met some amazing people. Some of which i've already met before. lol. It was just two weeks of chilling in the sun, drinking, having a laugh. Having a midget entertainer. WOW. That was good.

Okay okay... I need to go now. So i'll finish the rest of my top ten like tomorrow. haha. Fail.

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Its so strange, the thought of distance. My best friend spends more or less a year away in another country, comes home and we pick up like i saw her yesterday. Then there are some people "friends" i suppose, who live in the same town, you see every week and it seems like you haven't seen them in a million years, share no interests and are just generally distant.

It puts everything into perspective, when she comes back. There's only one person in the world who i could sit and talk to for hours, about life. Our thoughts, feelings, inner hopes and dreams, shark week for crying out loud! After an evening catching up with the best friend it really makes me think that i want a life. I don't want to be stuck here. We were saying, there are those people who are going to stay in one place, work in a shop for there whole life and be happy with it. I'm not that person.

I don't know what it is about travelling, whether its the thought of meeting new people, experiencing new culture, finding myself, learning new things, remembering old things. It just seems like the right path for me. And there's no bigger place to discover yourself than USA.

I kind of just had to blog to get it all off my chest. It makes me feel a bit better about myself knowing i've told someone this. Even if it is a website. No one understands really. Well they don't understand because i don't really know how to express it in words.

I mean there's a million fire flys out there. But i'm ready to catch just one. I'm ready to leave, take off, discover and learn. Its about time. I've been saying it for about two years now!! Damn that little thing called money. :(


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MY Year in Pictures. :)

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Four years this Christmas. Time flies. Forever with us. :)

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About Me

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Blonde again, and i get easily confused. I love to act. Little things ammuse me like seeing people fall over. :) I love to write about randomness and hope to write my own book one day. I just need to figure out what events to write it about. :)


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