Wonderful Randomness

Ahh. So i've now started college!! It is mad. They dont call it intensive acting for no reason. Its only day four and we've already been cast in a play, doing our two monologues for drama school, starting on our lamda exams. Ahh. Its all good. Oh and we get to do an assignment over the whole yeah. And get this... I get to BLOG my essays. Ahh. Im totally amazed. Its going to be the most fantastic thing ever. I wonder if i can ramble in my world as much as i do in real life. All the people on the course are pretty sweet. :). There's a good mix of people so its nice to mingle and not be with like the same as my usual lot. But im not going to lie. I need to talk to some of the hot guys!! Ahh im not gonna' let an opportunity like college guys down! There are some rather dashing ones i must admit.

Hmm work isn't going too bad either. I had to call in sick for the first time on Saturday. (today now being Tuesday) and i still feel like utter crap. I've got the worst cough in the world! It actually really hurts. And i feel like crying just coz' i want to get rid of it. It seems to be getting worse not better! Which utterly sucks.

Its so strange now. Like everyone, all the girls and boys from school and sixth form have all gone there separate ways. All the uni people are moved in and joining carious clans and societies. A few of us are at college. And some people are working!! Its mad to think how much we wished our school days away and laughed when the parents said "they are they best days of your life". I hate to admit it but there true! I mean don't get me wrong college is going to be a wicked experience but its no sixth form! I mean i don't know everyone for starters!! And that might sound weird. but its true. Im used to at least knowing who people are. Even if i wasn't friends with everyoneeee. I could still talk to them. But at college i feel like i would get stabbed talking to some... Hmm i shall let you know my progress.

Ohhhh one more thing. Im now a brunette. Ahhh. And i love it. For now. :)


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Aha, i just read back my last post. I think i was going through some emotional self conscious crap!! TBH the new start didn't happen. I still eat just as much chocolate, and drink way too much diet coke. But like i said im not fat so i don't see the point. I did go to the gym last week though. Shocker. Naaa i will start going more. :) I promise.

Start college on Tuesday! :) I'm actually really looking forward to it. Just being able to do some drama again! I've been going crazy not acting. I think ive been a bit of a drama queen at home and work to make up for it. But yeah should all be good. Apart from the hour train ride every day. Not looking forward to that i dont think. :( Ah well. Gives me time to learn lines eh.

I've decided i want to grow my hair again. :). Or at least get extensions that are the same colour as my now white hair. Ahh. Or dye it brown? Hmm. I wonder how many posts i have written mention my hair. aha.


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Life Change

Do you ever get that feeling where you just want to be different? Even if its just for a day? Either skinnier, taller, prettier, fatter, funnier, smarter, thicker? What ever it is that you want you be i wish you could just do it when you want to.

I've suddenly realised that im not the person that im making out i am. I feel as if i need to change to really become the person i am? I dont think it makes sense... im sort of typing all my thoughts and if they dont make a full sentence then im sorry.

I really want something to come out of my life? I want to be successful. I dont want to be stuck in a dead end job or whatever. And tbh i want to get out of doing things i dont like or i dont want to do sooner rather than later.

I think i need to loose weight. No im not fat. But for the field im interested in [Acting and what not] you need to feel confident in who you are. And im not feeling that at the moment. I've put on so much weight since quitting gymnastics and its only just hit me. Its coz' im lazy i know that. But change has to start somewhere eh. :).

So the new me starts tomorrow!! :)


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Blonde again, and i get easily confused. I love to act. Little things ammuse me like seeing people fall over. :) I love to write about randomness and hope to write my own book one day. I just need to figure out what events to write it about. :)


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